- All News 32
- Articles 6
- Legal Alert 3
New Legal Framework for Local Accommodation: Impact and Critical Changes Introduced by Decree-Law 76/2024
On 23 October 2024, Decree-Law no. 76/2024 brought significant changes to the legal framework for establishing local accommodation establishments in Portugal. This law, which came into force on 1 November 2024, gives new powers to municipalities, defines new rules for condominiums, and strengthens supervision of the sector.
The transformation of rustic land into urban land: what's going to change
Significant changes have recently been made to the legal regime governing the reclassification of rustic land into urban land in Portugal. These changes aim to alleviate the shortage of land for construction and promote accessibility to housing. They also aim to reduce bureaucracy, increase the supply of land, and create conditions for affordable housing while maintaining ecological and social balance.
The Importance of Real Estate Due Diligence: Safety and Security for Your Investment
Due diligence is a process of in-depth investigation and analysis of a property before a purchase is made.
Legal Alert: The latest IRS changes and tax benefits in Portugal
On 28 June 2024, Law 31/2024 was published, introducing significant changes to the IRS Code, the Stamp Duty Code and the Tax Benefits Statute (EBF).
European Certificate of Succession: Simplifying inheritance law in the European Union
As of 19 August 2024, obtaining the European Certificate of Succession (CSE) has become easier and faster in Portugal.
Local Accommodation vs. Short-Term Rental
This article explores the different scenarios and the options for short-term rentals as alternatives and complements to LA.
Legal Alert: Extension of the period of validity of documents and visas relating to stay in national territory and Reformulation of the Migration Observatory
The recent Decree-Law no. 41-A/2024 of 28 of June 2024 introduces a one-year extension (until 30 of June 2025) to the validity period of documents and visas for foreign citizens in Portugal.
Legal Alert: Creation of a specialised Immigration and Asylum Court
Recently, the government accepted the Superior Council of the Judiciary’s proposal to create a court specialising in immigration and asylum issues.
The Government’s New Housing Plan: What’s going to change?
The government’s new housing programme – “Construir Portugal: Nova Estratégia para a Habitação” (Building Portugal: New Strategy for Housing) – with 30 measures to respond to the housing crisis, was presented last Friday, May 10.
SIMPLEX Urbanístico: what changes and what impacts for private individuals?
On March 4, Decree-Law 10/2024 of January 8 – SIMPLEX – came into force, promising to simplify town and country planning administration.
Amendment to the Nationality Law
On March 5, 2023, Organic Law no. 1/2004 was published, which made the tenth amendment to Law no. 37/91 of October 3, approving the Nationality Law.
New special tax on AL activity: CEAL or Contribuição Extraordinária sobre o Alojamento Local
CEAL will be payable from 2024 by those who hold licenses for short-term rental activity on independent units or autonomous divisions of buildings that are licensed for habitation purposes.
Abode 2 "Portuguese Prowess"- A New Hope for House Buyers
In this article, we will look at the “Mais Habitação” campaign and discuss what it means to the Portuguese housing market and to those willing to move to Portugal.
Urban Rehabilitation: a Solution for Habitation
Urban Rehabilitation, in the modality of building rehabilitation, involves the requalification of degraded or functionally inadequate buildings, restoring safety, cleanliness and aesthetic appeal through works and other improvements.
Amendments to the "Mais Habitação" Policy: proposals by the Government party
After being approved in generality in May 2023, the Mais-Habitação Policy was subject to amendment proposals by the parties with parliamentary seat until last June 16.
What’s changing with the "Mais Habitação" Policy
The main goals of this new legislation are to increase the offer of real estate intended for habitation, to simplify the licensing procedures, to increase the number of houses in the renting market and to fight speculation.
Working from Paradise
The relationship between companies and employees has transformed dramatically in the last few years, working remotely is becoming more common every day, and this trend has also led to a growing number of 'Digital Nomads' – workers who conduct their activity in a totally remote way.
Close to Home
Portugal has become one of the most appealing countries for those looking to relocate, and it continues to live up to its fame.
Portuguese Prudence
Selling a holiday or main home has tax implications that may be considered before making any decisions. Check out MATLAW’s most recent editorial for Abode2 Luxury Property Magazine with highlights on taxation of property capital gains in Portugal.
Amendments to the regime of entry, stay, exit and expulsion of foreigners from Portugal
On the 25th August, Law no. 18/2022 was published in the Portuguese official journal, Diário da República, amending the legal regime for the entry, stay, exit and expulsion of foreigners from the national territory.
With many of our clients dreaming about their unique properties and looking for legal support throughout construction projects, we’ve decided to share some food-for-thought on this matter.
Golden Opportunity
With the idea of reducing regional asymmetries by attracting investors to inland territories and non-housing real estate, the Portuguese Government made significant adjustments to the Golden Visa legal framework.
Alterations of sectional title regime Propriedade Horizontal: Law no. 8/2022, of 10 January
With the purpose of reviewing and updating the sectional title regime, Law no. 8/2022 was published on the 10th January, introducing changes in matters such as the operation of condominium assemblies, the powers and obligations of the condominium manager and the constitution of sectional title regime.
Authentic acts can now be performed by videoconference
In order to follow the general trend towards decreasing social contacts and interactions as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, Decree-Law no. 126/2021 was published on 30 December 2021.
Opportunity Knocks
Buying a future property based on its plans and drawings may be a bit daunting, but off-plan property purchases are becoming more and more attractive amongst international clients. Indeed, it can be a thrilling experience being part of a tailor-made turn-key project.