- All News 30
- Articles 5
- Legal Alert 3
Legal Alert: The latest IRS changes and tax benefits in Portugal
On 28 June 2024, Law 31/2024 was published, introducing significant changes to the IRS Code, the Stamp Duty Code and the Tax Benefits Statute (EBF).
Legal Alert: Extension of the period of validity of documents and visas relating to stay in national territory and Reformulation of the Migration Observatory
The recent Decree-Law no. 41-A/2024 of 28 of June 2024 introduces a one-year extension (until 30 of June 2025) to the validity period of documents and visas for foreign citizens in Portugal.
Legal Alert: Creation of a specialised Immigration and Asylum Court
Recently, the government accepted the Superior Council of the Judiciary’s proposal to create a court specialising in immigration and asylum issues.